B.E. in Mechanical Design, Manufacturing, and its Automation, Yanbian University, 2019
M.S. in Mechanical Engineering, Northern Illinois University, 2022
Work Experience
Quality Engineer
Nov. 2023 – Present
Tubular Steel Inc. at Centerville, TN, USA
Led a team including quality inspectors and product sorters, providing comprehensive training on diverse inspection methodologies.
Conducted calibration procedures on measuring devices to avoid errors and meet acceptable reliability standards.
Performed metallurgical analysis for tubular steel samples for weld integrity inspections, including pre-processing of sample tube, specimen mounting press by Struers CitoPress-5, specimen polishing by Struers LaboPol-30 semi-automatic grinder, nital etching on the specimen, and visual inspection under optical microscope.
Proceeded on schedule improvements of production to reduce cost via Kanban method, Kaizen events, Gemba walk, and material review board process (MRB).
Initiated Root Cause Analysis (5 Why’s, Ishikawa (Fish-Bone diagram)) for quality issues, documented with Non-Conformance Reports (NCR), designed and implemented corrective actions and preventive actions (CAPAs), and conducted A3, 3D & 8D response for customer correspondences.
Participated with Potential Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (PFMEA), control plans and inspection reports.
Conducted Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) activities, including establishments of new PPAP and maintenance of PPAP renewals.
Performed data analysis on internal sorting activities for analysis of the process validity and production capabilities.
Executed responsibilities to enhance and sustain ISO 9001:2015 compliance, ensuring continuous improvement and consistent quality outcomes.
Research Intern
Aug. 2022 – Nov. 2023
UII America, Inc. at Burlington, MA, USA
Supervisor: Shanhui Sun
Duties included:
Mesh operations based on segmented CT coronary data.
Python pipelines of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations on synthetic coronary models.
Feature extraction on coronary vessel centerlines for the training of Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) model.
Heart simulation and coronary artery projection.
Graduate Assistant
Sept. 2021 - Jun. 2022
Northern Illinois University at Dekalb, IL, USA
Supervisor: Jifu Tan
Course assisting:
Assisted the supervisor in preparing, printing, and arranging the exam problems.
Took recitation courses twice weekly to help students solve their course-related questions (Course name: Engineering Mechanics).
Research projects:
Conducted dynamic mode decomposition on the early COVID-19 data and investigated the pandemic spreading patterns in the US.
Performed tube flow simulations with red blood cells, and investigated the wall shear stress along the inner tube surface.
Proposed a fluid-solid coupling model by immersed boundary-physics informed neural network, compared its efficiency to the traditional method, and validated its accuracy.
Research Student
Feb. 2021 - Aug. 2021
Tsinghua University at Beijing, China
Supervisor: Zhenwei Huang
Duties included:
Built fish mesh by fitting functions of body shape from MIT’s RoboTuna.
Conducted fish swimming simulations by immersed boundary-lattice Boltzmann method based on open-source software Palabos.
Analyzed flow patterns of the fish swimming and investigated dynamic characteristics of the fluid domain by dynamic mode decomposition.
Conducted mesh independence analysis and validation of the simulation algorithms.
Skills and Softwares
Multi-physics Simulation
Multi-physics simulation based on smoothed-particle hydrodynamics or finite element solver. Simulation topics include electromechanical simulation of left ventricle during heartbeats, wave-structure interactions with moorings, etc.
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Supports single case analysis based on OpenFOAM with GUI.
Flow simulations based on Lattice Boltzmann method and fluid-solid coupling by immersed boundary condition. Simulation topics include blood flow simulation with red blood cells, multi-phase simulation, etc.
SimVascular (1D & 3D simulations with/without GUI)
Blood flow simulation with windkessel boundary conditions such as RCR, RCRCR boundary conditions.
Mesh Operation
Including volume mesh generation, automatic boundary face labeling, surface mesh synthesis, surface mesh reconstruction from point clouds, mesh deforming or translation, smoothing, boolean union or subtraction, inner centerline calculation, etc. Advanced topics include features extraction along centerlines of mesh, local designing of surface mesh for example to randomly form a stenosis on the blood vessel mesh.
Fang, Dehong, et al. "Flow pattern investigation of bionic fish by immersed boundary–lattice Boltzmann method and dynamic mode decomposition." Ocean Engineering 248 (2022): 110823.
Fang, D., et al. "Effect of fish swimming on the stability of flow fields inside the pipeline." IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 1037. No. 1. IOP Publishing, 2022.
Fang, Dehong, Jinsong Zhang, and Zhenwei Huang. "Modal analysis on mechanism of bionic fish swimming by dynamic mode decomposition." Ocean Engineering 273 (2023): 113897.
Fang D, Guo L, Hughes MC, Tan J. Dynamic Patterns and Modeling of Early COVID-19 Transmission by Dynamic Mode Decomposition. Prev Chronic Dis 2023;20:230089.
Zang, Z., Fu, H., Cheng, J., Raza, H., & Fang, D. (2024). Digital threads of architectural heritage: navigating tourism destination image through social media reviews and machine learning insights. Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, 1–18. https://doi.org/10.1080/13467581.2024.2399681
Ni, Peng, Dehong Fang, and Li Ai. "Numerical investigation of three-dimensional incompressible fluid flow in curved elastic tube." J. Intell. Constr. 2 (2024): 9180023.